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At ENTA, we cooperate with design clubs at universities and support them. Our collaborating design clubs:

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Marmara University Design Club

The club aims to increase the awareness of students. It also provides support for the problems students may encounter in their professional lives. By organizing several arts and design-related activities, especially in the industrial design area, the club has served as a bridge between the academy and industry since 2015. 

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Factory Design Club

Factory Design was founded in 2012 by Kadir Has University Department of Industrial Design students. As a club, they aim to explain the importance of design and bring people from various disciplines together to initiate creative, innovative, and qualified ideas. The club associates design as a process and aims to make all participants experience this whole process in their events. 

Club President - Sena Tokaç 


Instagram: @fabrikatasarimkhas

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IDEA Design Club

IDEA Club was established by Karabuk University Industrial Design students in 2018 to contribute to the professional development of designers as a partner on the basis of professional awareness. Their goal is to strengthen the interdisciplinary collaborations. Following their goals and objectives, they continue to present cultural events and various activities to their members in the lights of creativity and efficiency. 

Club President - Tuhan Aksoy

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Instagram          : @ideakulup

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Eskisehir Technical University Design

Design Club

In the age of globalization, products have gained importance in terms of both function and aesthetics with the rising competition in markets. As a result, the concept of "design" claimed significance in the production process. Eskisehir Technical University Design Club is a student formation that aims to make students realize these dynamics before graduation. Their goal is to create a collective design culture by gathering students from different departments under a single roof and produce projects with unity. 

Club President - Ali Çakır 



Instagram: @tasarimkulubu

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Gazi University Design and Innovation Society

The Design and Innovation Community is a student community committed to increasing the interaction between industrial design students and people from other departments. Their activities aim to bring students together with people who have proven their academic and professional competencies in an environment suitable for study and knowledge transfer. 

Club President - Emre Oral



Instagram: @gazitasariminovasyon


MID Community

MID Community is the first and only community established by Industrial Products Design students with consultancy and support of Dr. Seher Oya Akman in Istanbul Medipol University. The community carries out strategic support and start-up studies with the Enderun Entrepreneurship Center operating under the University. Their audience gathers students from various departments to keep designers in touch with every person interested in design.

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IYYU Design Club

Established within the body of Istanbul Yeni Yuzyil University, IYYU Design Club aims to bring students together with the leading professionals in design, provide them job and internship opportunities, and increase their professional competencies. The club organizes talks and educational activities in cooperation with the Visual Communication Design Department. The works of the club members and various artists presented at Gallery Yeni Yuzyil. The club also organizes design-oriented organizations and exhibition tours. IYYU Design Club continues their activities under the consultancy of Dr. Özlem Vargun. 


Club President - Tuğçe Karaköz



Instagram: @ yyutasarimkulubu

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Established within the body of Istanbul Aydin University in 2018, the club organizes various art and design activities to contribute to the cultural, academic, and professional development of its members'.

Club President - Sinem Kırmızıgül


Instagram: @iauentask

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Innovative Thinking Society

Established within the body of Selcuk University, the society organizes events with professionals from various design disciplines to contribute to the professional and academic development of design students. They also participate in country-wide design organizations to maintain communication between students from different universities in Turkey.

Club President - Süleyman Arıkan


Instagram: @inovatifdusuncetoplulugu


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ODTU Design Society

ODTU Design Society was established in January 2009 by a group of Industrial Design students with the support and consultancy of Dr. Hakan GÜRSU and the contributions of the ODTU Faculty of Architecture. The society aims to support its members to develop new competencies and improve their design-oriented thinking skills while having a good time in this process. In light of this aim, they organize various activities such as workshops, challenges, free events, trips, and conferences annually. 

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Işık Design Society

Işık Design Society was established in 2017 by Işık University Industrial Design students. The club aims to raise awareness of students from all design disciplines, especially Industrial Design, and contribute to their professional lives. The community hosts multiple projects bringing students from different departments together. They keep up-to-date through workshops that aim to produce human/user-oriented solutions to daily problems.

Club President - Hülya Ekşi



Instagram: @isikunitasarimtoplulugu


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Beykent University Entas Club

Beykent University Entas Club has been operating since 2017. The goal of the club is to increase knowledge in the field of Industrial Design. Besides the activities such as design talks, technical field trips, culture and art tours, and workshops, the club organizes events to get design students to know more about the industry. 

Club President - Batuhan Çaldağı



Instagram: @entasbeu


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OMU Art and Design Community

It is a community where interactive departments, especially Industrial Design students, interact with each other and aim to create a culture of art and design. In addition to its educational life, the Art and Design Society aims to provide a social and active environment to its members with development-oriented activities such as workshops, interviews, social responsibility projects, and added skills.

Club President - Kübra Karabulut



Instagram: @omusanatvetasarim


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Design for İstanbul Technic University

Design Club for ITU, active since 2015; works in every field in the university where the concept of "design" is functional. Design for İtü, an interdisciplinary club, is a community where everyone interested in design finds a place for themselves, regularly organizing conferences, courses, and workshops, offering its members the opportunity to work interdisciplinary.


Çizgi Design Community

Çizgi was founded in 2018 by Yaşar University industrial design students. It is a design-oriented student community that aims to increase the interaction between industrial design students and graduates, to create a collaborative working culture from the past to the future, and to support the self-awareness of design students who gain various skills during design education.

Club President - Ece Bozca

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Instagram          : @cizgitasarimtoplulugu

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IYTE Design Community

IYTE Design Community was founded in 2014 by the students of the Izmir Institute of Technology. It is a community that aims to enlighten students about the sector, career planning, and student life, host guests who have proven themselves in their fields, prepare all university students for a better future through many other social and technical activities, and to spend a productive and enjoyable time in these activities. At the same time, the dynamic of this community welcomes everyone who is interested in the field of 'design' with workshops and other activities. The goal is to be a guide in the field of art and make it accessible to everyone who needs it.

Club President - Ayşe Başargan


Instagram: @iyte_tasarim

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Izmir University of Economics Industrial Design Club 'Think Design' was founded between 2007-2008, striving to be active in all fields of fine arts, especially industrial design students, to improve the awareness of the students about the department, to shed light on the complications they may encounter in their professional lives, and to help those who work in the sector and those who teach. It aims to gather under one roof.

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Design Clubs Manager


Mehmet Kemal Sari

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